108 Names of Lord Shree Ganesha: Divine Devotion

108 Names of Lord Shree Ganesha: Divine Devotion

Unveiling the Divine Essence: Lord Ganesha’s 108 Names and Their Profound Significance

In the intricate tapestry of Hinduism, Lord Ganesha stands as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, prosperity, and the remover of obstacles. The multifaceted deity is not just known by one name; instead, he is hailed through a myriad of appellations, each bearing profound meaning. Let us embark on a journey to explore Lord Ganesha’s 108 names and uncover the rich symbolism and spiritual depth they carry.

1. Akhuratha: One who has Mouse as His Charioteer

Lord Ganesha’s association with a mouse as his vehicle, depicted here as his charioteer, symbolizes his ability to control the unruly desires that often run rampant in the human mind. Just as he tames the mouse, he teaches us to discipline and master our own desires.

2. Alampata: Ever Eternal Lord

The name Alampata signifies Lord Ganesha’s eternal existence, transcending the boundaries of time and space. It reminds us of the timeless nature of divinity and the enduring presence of his wisdom.

3. Amit: Incomparable Lord

Lord Ganesha’s incomparability lies not only in his unique physical form but also in the boundless wisdom and knowledge he embodies. He stands as the unrivaled source of guidance and enlightenment.

4. Anantachidrupamayam: Infinite and Consciousness Personified

This name highlights Lord Ganesha’s infinite nature and his role as the embodiment of consciousness. He is the eternal source of awareness and enlightenment that guides us on our spiritual journey.

5. Avaneesh: Lord of the Whole World

Lord Ganesha’s dominion extends far beyond the realms of the mortal world. As Avaneesh, he reigns as the supreme lord who oversees the entire universe, guiding and protecting all beings.

6. Avighna: Remover of Obstacles

Perhaps one of his most celebrated names, Avighna encapsulates Lord Ganesha’s primary role. He is the divine force that clears away impediments, ensuring a smooth and obstacle-free path for those who seek his blessings.

7. Balaganapati: Beloved and Lovable Child

Despite his omnipotent stature, Lord Ganesha embodies the innocence and love of a cherished child. This name reminds us of the childlike wonder and affection that he extends to his devotees.

8. Bhalchandra: Moon-Crested Lord

The crescent moon adorning Lord Ganesha’s forehead holds symbolic significance. It signifies the passage of time and the ever-renewing cycles of life. As Bhalchandra, he reminds us of life’s constant evolution.

9. Bheema: Huge and Gigantic

This name reflects Lord Ganesha’s immense presence and boundless power. It reminds us of his formidable strength in facing and overcoming all challenges.

10. Bhupati: Lord of the Gods

Lord Ganesha’s supremacy extends even to the celestial realms. As Bhupati, he rules over the gods themselves, symbolizing his divine authority and wisdom.

11. Bhuvanpati: God of the Gods

Similar to Bhupati, this name underscores Lord Ganesha’s status as the supreme deity among deities. He is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance for both gods and humans.

12. Buddhinath: God of Wisdom

In a world hungering for wisdom and knowledge, Lord Ganesha emerges as the divine bestower of wisdom. As Buddhinath, he is the revered source of intellectual enlightenment.

13. Buddhipriya: Knowledge Bestower

Lord Ganesha’s benevolence extends to the realm of knowledge. He is the one who imparts wisdom and understanding to those who seek his guidance.

14. Buddhividhata: God of Knowledge

Knowledge is a treasure that Lord Ganesha graciously offers to his devotees. As Buddhividhata, he represents the divine source of all-encompassing knowledge.

15. Chaturbhuj: One who has Four Arms

The four arms of Lord Ganesha symbolize his multifaceted nature. Each arm represents a facet of his divine essence, including his role as a remover of obstacles, a bestower of blessings, and a guide to wisdom.

16. Devadeva: Lord of All Lords

Lord Ganesha’s supremacy knows no bounds, earning him the title Devadeva. He stands as the ultimate deity among all deities, guiding and protecting all beings.

17. Devantakanashakarin: Destroyer of Evils and Asuras

Evil forces and malevolent beings tremble in the presence of Lord Ganesha. He stands as the destroyer of all evils and asuras, ensuring the triumph of righteousness.

18. Devavrata: One who accepts all Penances

Lord Ganesha is the embodiment of divine acceptance. Devavrata signifies his willingness to receive and bless all penances and acts of devotion offered by his devotees.

19. Devendrashika: Protector of All Gods

The gods themselves find refuge in the protective embrace of Lord Ganesha. He stands as the guardian and protector of all divine beings.

20. Dharmik: One who gives Charity

Charity is a virtuous act that Lord Ganesha embodies. As Dharmik, he encourages the spirit of giving and selflessness among his devotees.

21. Dhoomravarna: Smoke-Hued Lord

Lord Ganesha’s smoke-hued complexion represents purity and transcendence. It signifies his detachment from the material world and his connection to the spiritual realm.

22. Durja: Invincible Lord

In the face of adversity and challenges, Lord Ganesha remains invincible. This name reflects his indomitable spirit and unwavering strength.

23. Dvaimatura: One who has two Mothers

Lord Ganesha’s birth is a testament to his unique origins. He is the divine offspring of both Goddess Parvati and Mother Earth, highlighting his connection to the divine and the earthly.

24. Ekaakshara: He of the Single Syllable

Ekaakshara emphasizes the simplicity and profundity of Lord Ganesha’s divine essence. His presence can be invoked with a single syllable, symbolizing his accessibility to all.

25. Ekadanta: Single-Tusked Lord

The single tusk of Lord Ganesha holds a profound lesson. It signifies the importance of retaining the good and discarding the bad, just as he keeps the broken tusk as a reminder of his triumph over ego.

26. Ekadrishta: Single-Tusked Lord

Ekadrishta echoes the significance of Lord Ganesha’s single tusk. It serves as a constant reminder of his wisdom and the triumph of spiritual insight over worldly attachments.

27. Eshanputra: Lord Shiva’s Son

As the son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha embodies the divine lineage of the supreme deity. He inherits the wisdom, power, and compassion of his illustrious father.

28. Gadadhara: One who has The Mace as His Weapon

The mace wielded by Lord Ganesha symbolizes his authority and power to dispel ignorance and delusion. He wields the mace of knowledge to guide his devotees on the path of righteousness.

29. Gajakarna: One who has Eyes like an Elephant

Lord Ganesha’s elephant-like eyes are a window to his profound wisdom. They signify his ability to perceive the world with clarity and depth, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of life.

30. Gajanana: Elephant-Faced Lord

The elephant-headed Lord Ganesha carries the essence of an elephant’s strength, wisdom, and grace. His form embodies the majestic qualities of this revered creature.

31. Gajananeti: Elephant-Faced Lord

Gajananeti emphasizes Lord Ganesha’s elephant-faced appearance. It serves as a reminder of his unique and divine form that captures the hearts of devotees worldwide.

32. Gajavakra: Trunk of The Elephant

The intricate curves of Lord Ganesha’s trunk symbolize the twists and turns of life’s journey. Just as an elephant’s trunk adapts to various challenges, Lord Ganesha guides us with flexibility and adaptability.

33. Gajavaktra: One who has Mouth like an Elephant

Lord Ganesha’s elephant-like mouth signifies his ability to consume both the sweet and bitter experiences of life. He teaches us to accept and digest life’s offerings with grace.

34. Ganadhakshya: Lord of All Ganas (Gods)

The celestial hosts known as “ganas” find their ultimate leader in Lord Ganesha. He reigns as the lord of all gods and celestial beings.

35. Ganadhyakshina: Leader of All The Celestial Bodies

Lord Ganesha’s leadership extends to the celestial bodies that adorn the night sky. He guides the celestial bodies in their cosmic dance, symbolizing his role as the leader of all creation.

36. Ganapati: Lord of All Ganas (Gods)

The name Ganapati encapsulates Lord Ganesha’s supreme authority over the celestial hosts known as “ganas.” He governs the divine realm and imparts his blessings to all.

37. Gaurisuta: The Son of Gauri (Parvati)

Gaurisuta celebrates Lord Ganesha’s divine lineage as the beloved son of Goddess Parvati, also known as Gauri. He inherits his mother’s grace and compassion.

38. Gunina: One who is The Master of All Virtues

Lord Ganesha embodies a multitude of virtues, making him the master of all virtuous qualities. His divine presence inspires us to cultivate and nurture these virtues in our lives.

39. Haridra: One who is Golden Coloured

The golden hue of Lord Ganesha’s form symbolizes purity and divinity. His radiant presence brings forth the brilliance of spiritual enlightenment.

40. Heramba: Mother’s Beloved Son

As the beloved son of Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha holds a special place in the heart of his mother. This name reflects the deep affection between mother and son.

41. Kapila: Yellowish-Brown Coloured

The yellowish-brown complexion of Lord Ganesha’s form mirrors the earthy tones of nature. It serves as a reminder of his connection to the natural world.

42. Kaveesha: Master of Poets

Lord Ganesha’s divine wisdom extends to the realm of literature and poetry. He is the guiding force behind the creativity and poetic inspiration of artists and writers.

43. Krti: Lord of Music

Music holds a special place in Lord Ganesha’s divine heart. He is the patron of music and the arts, bestowing his blessings upon those who seek creative expression.

44. Kripalu: Merciful Lord

Lord Ganesha’s boundless mercy and compassion offer solace and guidance to his devotees. He showers his blessings upon those who turn to him in times of need.

45. Krishapingaksha: The Gaze of Yellowish-Brown Eyes

The name Krishapingaksha reflects the unique and enchanting gaze of Lord Ganesha, characterized by his yellowish-brown eyes. It is a reminder of his captivating presence and the depth of wisdom that emanates from his divine vision.

46. Kshamakaram: The Abode of Forgiveness

As the epitome of benevolence, Lord Ganesha is often referred to as Kshamakaram, signifying his boundless capacity for forgiveness. This name underscores his role as a compassionate guide who forgives our trespasses and leads us towards redemption.

47. Kshipra: The Swiftly Appeased One

In times of distress and turmoil, invoking the name Kshipra brings solace, as it signifies Lord Ganesha’s swift response to appease our troubles. He is ever-ready to come to our aid, providing quick relief and comfort.

48. Lambakarna: The Lord with Large Ears

The name Lambakarna highlights Lord Ganesha’s distinctive feature—his large ears. It serves as a symbolic reminder of the importance of attentive listening, as he patiently hears our prayers and concerns.

49. Lambodara: The Lord with the Enormous Belly

Lambodara, or the Lord with the enormous belly, is a name that represents Lord Ganesha’s ability to consume both the joys and sorrows of life with equanimity. His vastness accommodates all experiences, teaching us to embrace life’s dualities.

50. Mahabala: The Possessor of Immense Strength

In moments of weakness and vulnerability, invoking the name Mahabala reminds us of Lord Ganesha’s immense strength. He bestows us with the fortitude to overcome obstacles and face life’s challenges with courage.

51. Mahaganapati: The Omnipotent and Supreme Lord

Mahaganapati signifies Lord Ganesha’s omnipotence and supreme authority. He reigns over all celestial beings and serves as the ultimate source of divine power and guidance.

52. Maheshwaram: The Lord of the Universe

As Maheshwaram, Lord Ganesha holds dominion over the entire universe. His name reminds us of his role as the cosmic ruler, orchestrating the grand tapestry of existence.

53. Mangalamurti: The Embodiment of Auspiciousness

The name Mangalamurti embodies Lord Ganesha’s essence as the epitome of auspiciousness. His divine presence is a harbinger of blessings and prosperity, making him a revered deity in all significant life events.

54. Manomay: The Winner of Hearts

Manomay signifies Lord Ganesha’s ability to win hearts effortlessly. His boundless charm and benevolence make him the beloved deity of countless devotees.

55. Mrityuanjaya: The Conqueror of Death

In the face of mortality and impermanence, invoking the name Mrityuanjaya reassures us of Lord Ganesha’s role as the conqueror of death. He guides us towards spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

56. Mundakarama: The Abode of Happiness

The name Mundakarama symbolizes Lord Ganesha’s divine abode, where eternal happiness resides. It serves as a reminder that true contentment can be found in his divine presence.

57. Muktidaya: The Bestower of Eternal Bliss

For those seeking liberation from worldly attachments, Muktidaya is the name to invoke. It represents Lord Ganesha as the bestower of eternal bliss and spiritual emancipation.

58. Musikvahana: The Lord with the Mouse as His Charioteer

Lord Ganesha’s affinity for riding a mouse is encapsulated in the name Musikvahana. It symbolizes his mastery over desire and his ability to control the unruly forces within us.

59. Nadapratithishta: The Lover of Music

Lord Ganesha’s appreciation for the arts and music is celebrated through the name Nadapratithishta. It signifies his role as a patron of the arts and a connoisseur of melodious tunes.

60. Namasthetu: The Vanquisher of Evils and Vices

The name Namasthetu acknowledges Lord Ganesha’s power to vanquish evils, vices, and sins. By invoking his name, we seek his divine intervention in our quest for righteousness.

61. Nandana: The Beloved Son of Lord Shiva

As the beloved son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha is known as Nandana. This name highlights his cherished relationship with his divine parents and underscores his divine lineage.

62. Nideeshwaram: The Bestower of Wealth and Treasures

Nideeshwaram signifies Lord Ganesha’s role as the bestower of wealth and treasures. He guides us toward abundance and prosperity on our life’s journey.

63. Omkara: The Form of OM

Omkara represents Lord Ganesha as the embodiment of the sacred sound OM. His divine resonance connects us with the universe’s primordial vibrations, fostering spiritual awakening.

64. Pitambara: The Lord with a Yellow-Colored Body

The name Pitambara emphasizes Lord Ganesha’s radiant yellow-colored body, signifying purity and divinity. His presence radiates a golden aura of positivity and auspiciousness.

65. Pramoda: The Lord of All Abodes

Pramoda signifies Lord Ganesha’s lordship over all abodes, both celestial and earthly. His divine presence extends to all corners of the universe, offering solace and blessings.

66. Prathameshwara: The First Among All

In the divine hierarchy, Lord Ganesha holds the esteemed position of being the first among all. His name Prathameshwara reflects his preeminent status among deities.

67. Purush: The Omnipotent Personality

Purush symbolizes Lord Ganesha as the omnipotent personality who governs the cosmos. He embodies the supreme consciousness that permeates all of existence.

68. Rakta: The Lord with a Red-Colored Body

Rakta represents Lord Ganesha’s red-colored body, symbolizing his vibrant energy and dynamic presence. His name evokes a sense of vitality and vitality.

69. Rudrapriya: The Beloved of Lord Shiva

As the beloved of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha is known as Rudrapriya. This name underscores the special bond between father and son, symbolizing the love and devotion shared between them.

70. Sarvadevatman: The Acceptor of Celestial Offerings

Sarvadevatman signifies Lord Ganesha’s role as the acceptor of celestial offerings. He graciously receives the devotion and offerings of all celestial beings.

71. Sarvasiddhanta: The Bestower of Skills and Wisdom

For those seeking skills and wisdom, Sarvasiddhanta is the name to invoke. Lord Ganesha bestows us with the knowledge and proficiency needed for success.

72. Sarvatman: The Protector of the Universe

The name Sarvatman reflects Lord Ganesha’s divine duty as the protector of the universe. He watches over all of creation, ensuring its well-being and harmony.

73. Shambhavi: The Son of Goddess Parvati

Shambhavi signifies Lord Ganesha as the beloved son of Goddess Parvati. His divine birth is a testament to the love and devotion of his divine mother.

74. Shashivarnam: The Lord with a Moon-like Complexion

The name Shashivarnam highlights Lord Ganesha’s moon-like complexion, radiating a soothing and calming energy. His presence brings serenity to troubled hearts.

75. Shoorpakarna: The Lord with Large Ears

Shoorpakarna, similar to Lambakarna, emphasizes Lord Ganesha’s large ears, reminding us of the importance of attentive listening to his divine teachings.

76. Shuban: The Embodiment of All Auspiciousness

Shuban signifies Lord Ganesha as the embodiment of all things auspicious. His divine blessings usher in prosperity and good fortune in all aspects of life.

77. Shubhagunakanan: The Master of All Virtues

For those seeking mastery over virtues, Shubhagunakanan is the name to invoke. Lord Ganesha guides us on the path of righteousness and moral excellence.

78. Shweta: The One as Pure as White

Shweta represents Lord Ganesha as pure and untainted as the color white. His divine purity serves as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment and moral clarity.

79. Siddhidhata: The Bestower of Success and Accomplishments

Siddhidhata, the bestower of success and accomplishments, signifies Lord Ganesha’s role in helping us achieve our goals and aspirations.

80. Siddhipriya: The Bestower of Wishes and Boons

For those seeking fulfillment of wishes and boons, Siddhipriya is the name to invoke. Lord Ganesha listens to our prayers and bestows his divine blessings upon us.

81. Siddhivinayaka: The Bestower of Success

Siddhivinayaka signifies Lord Ganesha as the bestower of success in all our endeavors. His divine grace leads us toward achievement and victory.

82. Skandapurvaja: The Elder Brother of Skand (Lord Kartikeya)

As the elder brother of Lord Kartikeya (Skand), Lord Ganesha is known as Skandapurvaja. This name reflects their special relationship within the divine family.

83. Sumukha: The Auspicious Face

Sumukha signifies Lord Ganesha’s auspicious face, radiating positivity and goodwill. His divine countenance brings blessings and good fortune to all who seek it.

84. Sureshwaram: The Lord of All Lords

Sureshwaram reflects Lord Ganesha’s position as the lord of all lords. He stands supreme among deities, guiding humanity with his divine wisdom.

85. Swaroop: The Lover of Beauty

Swaroop symbolizes Lord Ganesha’s love for beauty in all its forms. His divine appreciation for aesthetics encourages us to find beauty in the world around us.

86. Tarun: The Ageless One

Tarun represents Lord Ganesha as the ageless deity, transcending the confines of time and age. His divine presence remains eternal and unchanging.

87. Uddanda: The Nemesis of Evils and Vices

Uddanda signifies Lord Ganesha’s role as the nemesis of evils and vices. He protects us from negative influences and guides us towards virtuous conduct.

88. Umaputra: The Son of Goddess Uma (Parvati)

As the beloved son of Goddess Uma (Parvati), Lord Ganesha is known as Umaputra. This name emphasizes his divine lineage and the bond between mother and son.

89. Vakratunda: The Lord with a Curved Trunk

The name Vakratunda highlights Lord Ganesha’s distinctive feature—a curved trunk. It serves as a reminder of his unique form and the beauty that lies in imperfections.

90. Varaganapati: The Bestower of Boons

Varaganapati signifies Lord Ganesha as the bestower of boons and blessings. His divine grace fulfills our wishes and desires.

91. Varaprada: The Granter of Wishes and Boons

For those seeking the fulfillment of wishes and boons, Varaprada is the name to invoke. Lord Ganesha grants our heartfelt desires and aspirations.

92. Varadavinayaka: The Bestower of Success

Varadavinayaka represents Lord Ganesha as the bestower of success in all our endeavors. His divine blessings lead us to victory and achievement.

93. Veeraganapati: The Heroic Lord

Veeraganapati signifies Lord Ganesha as the heroic deity who leads us through life’s challenges with courage and valor.

94. Vidyavaridhi: The God of Wisdom

Vidyavaridhi, the god of wisdom, represents Lord Ganesha as the source of knowledge and enlightenment. He imparts valuable insights to those who seek wisdom.

95. Vighnahara: The Remover of Obstacles

One of Lord Ganesha’s most renowned names, Vighnahara, emphasizes his role as the remover of obstacles. He clears our path to success and prosperity.

96. Vignaharta: The Demolisher of Obstacles

Vignaharta reflects Lord Ganesha’s active role in demolishing obstacles and challenges. His divine intervention ensures that we overcome hurdles on our journey.

97. Vighnaraja: The Lord of All Hindrances

As the lord of all hindrances, Vighnaraja signifies Lord Ganesha’s authority over impediments. He guides us to surmount all obstacles with unwavering determination.

98. Vighnarajendra: Lord of All Obstacles

The first name on our sacred list is “Vighnarajendra,” signifying Lord Ganesha as the supreme ruler and conqueror of all obstacles. In our lives, we encounter various impediments that hinder our progress. Lord Ganesha, as Vighnarajendra, assures us that he is the ultimate authority to vanquish these hurdles and pave the way for our success.

99. Vighnavinashanaya: Destroyer of All Obstacles and Impediments

Continuing on our divine odyssey, we encounter the name “Vighnavinashanaya,” which reinforces Lord Ganesha’s role as the destroyer of obstacles and impediments. This name serves as a reminder that when we invoke Lord Ganesha’s blessings, he obliterates every hindrance that stands in our path, allowing us to move forward with confidence and grace.

100. Vigneshwara: Lord of All Obstacles

“Vigneshwara,” another cherished name, emphasizes Lord Ganesha’s sovereignty over all obstacles. When we face challenges and uncertainties, we can turn to Lord Ganesha as Vigneshwara, knowing that he holds the key to unlocking solutions and granting us the strength to overcome adversity.

101. Vikat: Huge and Gigantic

As we delve deeper into Lord Ganesha’s names, we encounter “Vikat,” which describes him as huge and gigantic. This name reflects the vastness of his divine presence and his ability to encompass all aspects of our lives. Lord Ganesha’s enormity assures us that no problem is too great or too small for his intervention.

102. Vinayaka: Lord of All

“Vinayaka” is a name that resonates with devotees worldwide. It signifies Lord Ganesha’s omnipotence and his status as the Lord of All. In times of uncertainty and doubt, we can seek solace in the unwavering embrace of Vinayaka, knowing that he watches over us with boundless love and compassion.

103. Vishwamukha: Master of The Universe

“Vishwamukha” bestows upon Lord Ganesha the title of the Master of the Universe. This name affirms his cosmic authority and divine wisdom. Lord Ganesha, as Vishwamukha, guides us through the vast tapestry of existence, offering insights and solutions to life’s intricate challenges.

104. Vishwaraja: King of The World

Continuing our journey through Lord Ganesha’s names, we encounter “Vishwaraja,” which crowns him as the King of the World. This regal title reminds us that Lord Ganesha reigns supreme over the earthly realm, and his blessings extend to all corners of the globe. As the King of the World, he governs with benevolence and grace.

105. Yagnakaya: Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings

In the sacred rituals and ceremonies of Hinduism, Lord Ganesha plays a pivotal role as the “Yagnakaya.” This name signifies his role as the Acceptor of All Sacred and Sacrificial Offerings. Devotees invoke his presence to sanctify their offerings and ensure that their prayers reach the divine realms. Lord Ganesha’s grace ensures that our offerings are received with divine favor.

106. Yashaskaram: Bestower of Fame and Fortune

“Yashaskaram” paints Lord Ganesha as the Bestower of Fame and Fortune. In a world where recognition and success hold great importance, Lord Ganesha’s blessings as Yashaskaram guide us toward achieving renown and prosperity. He leads us on a path that not only brings us wealth but also the recognition we rightfully deserve.

107. Yashvasin: Beloved and Ever Popular Lord

Lord Ganesha’s name “Yashvasin” endears him as the Beloved and Ever Popular Lord. His universal appeal transcends boundaries and cultures, making him a cherished deity among people of diverse backgrounds. Lord Ganesha’s love knows no bounds, and as Yashvasin, he welcomes all into his divine embrace.

108. Yogadhipa: The Lord of Meditation

In the spiritual realm, meditation is a sacred practice that leads to self-realization and enlightenment. “Yogadhipa” designates Lord Ganesha as the Lord of Meditation, signifying his guidance on the path of inner contemplation. As we embark on the journey of self-discovery, Lord Ganesha, as Yogadhipa, illuminates our path with divine wisdom.


108 names of Lord Ganesha form a sacred tapestry of devotion and reverence. Each name holds a unique significance and imparts valuable lessons on life’s journey. As we meditate upon these names and invoke Lord Ganesha’s blessings, we are reminded of his omnipresence and his unwavering commitment to guiding us through the trials and tribulations of existence. Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating our path toward a life filled with wisdom, knowledge, prosperity, and divine grace.
